consumer durables
- n.耐用消费品(如汽车、电视机等)

Consumer durables such as refrigerators , television sets , bicycles and so on were produced in large quantities .
The Dynamic Model of The Consumption In Consumer Durables
The table below shows the consumer durables owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983 .
Comments on " A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables "
Education is more likely an important human investment approach than the consumer durables .
Industry : food processing , motor vehicles , consumer durables , textiles .
In many other Asian economies financing for consumer durables is virtually nonexistent .
The yacht is a kind of advanced consumer durables , which is used for water recreation .
Sales of consumer durables fell by 10-15 % in the year to March 2012 , executives say .
Credit has allowed Indians to buy more motorcycles , cars , electronics and consumer durables than ever before .
Mg : I agree that Americans have spent way too much on consumer durables and non-durables they did not need .
American households have shifted their cash flows from illiquid real estate and consumer durables to paying down mortgages and consumer debt .
Cars belonging to large consumer durables , while the bulk consumer durables for stimulating the economy , expanding domestic demand has a huge role .
For example , lower rates have accelerated purchases of cars and other consumer durables and created apparent increases in wealth as asset prices inflate .
Still vulnerable are large-cap companies in industries such as airlines , automobiles , consumer durables , travel and leisure , and restaurants .
In the aftermath of the banking crisis , Prof Baldwin said , consumers cut back sharply on consumer durables and businesses put investments on ice .
We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our service will continueto be first class .
There is evidence that stimulus moves such as car scrappage programmes and Japan 's eco-points scheme for consumer durables have helped sales .
Jiangsu and Taiwan Fashion brand , daily necessities and consumer durables have good advertising value ; the arrival rate is high , penetration , 1000low-cost , high gold content advertising .
The prices of consumer durables and services have been kept down by these competitive forces ; but raw material and oil prices have been forced up by the enlargement of the world economy .
The three categories ( as ranked by women ) in descending order of dissatisfaction are financial services , health care , and consumer durables such as cars , electronics , and appliances .
Russia is dependent on imports for most things , from food ( over 40 % ) to consumer durables and pharmaceuticals , so a drop in the exchange rate automatically means a drop in living standards .
" A new product growth model for consumer durables "( F.M.Bass , 1969 ) has become widely known and has been voted as one of the Top 10 Most Influential Papers published in the 50-year history of Management Science .
The welcome news comes after nine months of the sharpest contraction in global manufacturing output since the Second World War and a dramatic plunge in world trade as buyers of capital goods and consumer durables effectively went on strike .
At the same time as a production car can not only tools , but also belong to the scope of consumer durables , both at the production stage , consumption stage , or in the use phase , are an important source of revenue .
On the other hand , in developed countries , automobile and consumer durables as a production tool , regardless of the production , consumption , stage , or in terms of the use phase , can be viewed as a major source of revenue .
One of the companies I work with is a major manufacturer of consumer durables , and so I need to keep in touch with the latest campaigns being launched by rival groups , as well as seeing how our own efforts are looking .
An analysis on consumer model with durables
US consumer preferences shifting from durables to services
Normal Forms to Study Childbearing Preference : Reflection and Rebuild US consumer preferences shifting from durables to services